The Grading On Jade
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The Grading On Jade

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Now that we know Jade is actually a name that refers to two different gemstones - Jadeite and Nephrite, things are going to get more interesting from here. 

You’ve probably heard of Grade A Jade, but does that refer to Jadeite or Nephrite? 

What then, are the different grades of Jadeite and Nephrite? 

To grade or not to grade

When it comes to grading, only Jadeite is graded in the industry. As Nephrite is more abundant and common than Jadeite, it is hardly worth treating or grading Nephrite. 

Making the grade

Like school grades, the term ‘Type A’ appears to refer to the highest grade of jade. The grading system of A, B, and C, however, refers to the treatment of Jadeite, with Type A jade being in its most natural, untreated form. 

When it comes to other forms of treatment other than pure polishing, a piece of jade will then be graded lower than Type A. Below is an explanation on how jade is graded in the industry.

Type A Jadeite - 100% natural form

Untreated Burmese Jadeite in its natural colour and free from any form of chemical treatment. It is acceptable to polish the jadeite with colorless wax as long as the crystalline structure of the gem is not damaged. 

Type B Jadeite - Chemically treated & injected with resin

Still authentic jade, but Jadeite has been soaked in chemicals or bleached to remove inclusions and impurities. This process not only intensifies the translucency, it also leaves spaces or gaps throughout the jadeite. Polymer resin is then injected into the jadeite to fill these gaps, where it solidifies into a colourless mass. The treated jadeite is then polished into a smooth and translucent colour. Since the crystalline structure is considered to have been damaged during the process, Type B jade is less durable and flaws can appear over time. Its appearance can also change over time as the polymer resin can oxidize and discolour when exposed to heat or light.

If dye is added during the process, the grading of a Type B jade can be categorized as a ‘Type B+C’ jade. 

Type C or Type B+C Jadeite - Chemically treated, injected with resin & colour dyed 

Considered the lowest grade among real jadeite as the stones have been bleached and dyed extensively to improve the colour. Type C jade has typically undergone all treatments associated with Type B jade, with the addition of dye to the polymer resin to create an enhanced colour effect. Type C jade is usually heated to aid in the absorption of the dye.




Photo by Ayanda Kunene on Unsplash

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